How to Get Mildew Out of Outdoor Cushions

How to Get Mildew Out of Outdoor Cushions

outdoor cushionsIntroduction:

Mildew is a common problem that can affect outdoor cushions, particularly those exposed to moisture and humidity. Not only does mildew create unsightly stains and odors, but it can also compromise the durability and longevity of the cushions. Thankfully, there are effective methods for removing mildew and restoring the cleanliness of your outdoor cushions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various techniques and solutions for getting mildew out of outdoor cushions. From homemade remedies to commercial products and prevention tips, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to effectively tackle mildew and keep your outdoor cushions fresh and clean.

Understanding Mildew on Outdoor Cushions

What is Mildew?

Mildew is a type of fungus that thrives in moist and humid environments.
It appears as black, brown, or gray spots on the surface of fabrics, including outdoor cushions.

Causes of Mildew on Outdoor Cushions:

Causes of Mildew on Outdoor Cushions:Exposure to rain, dew, or high humidity levels can create ideal conditions for mildew growth.
Lack of proper ventilation or inadequate drying can also contribute to mildew formation.

Removing Mildew from Outdoor Cushions

Safety Precautions:

Wear protective gloves and a mask to avoid direct contact with mildew spores and inhalation of potentially harmful particles.

Removing Surface Mildew:

Brush off any loose mildew spores using a soft-bristle brush or a cloth.
Vacuum the cushions to remove any remaining loose spores.

Homemade Mildew Removal Solutions:

Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.
Spray the affected areas generously and let the solution sit for 15-20 minutes.
Scrub the cushions using a soft brush or sponge.
Rinse thoroughly with water and allow the cushions to air dry in sunlight.

Commercial Mildew Removers:

Select a commercial mildew remover specifically formulated for outdoor fabrics.
Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for application and rinsing.

Power Washing (for removable cushion covers):

Remove the cushion covers and place them on a clean, flat surface.
Use a pressure washer or a garden hose with a high-pressure nozzle to remove the mildew.
Apply a mildew remover solution and scrub the covers with a soft brush.
Rinse thoroughly and let them air dry before reassembling the cushions.

outdoor cushionsPreventing Mildew on Outdoor Cushions

Proper Ventilation:

Ensure proper airflow and ventilation around the cushions.
Avoid placing cushions in enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance:

Regularly clean and remove debris from the cushions to prevent moisture buildup.
Dry the cushions thoroughly after exposure to rain or dew.

Use Protective Covers:

Invest in waterproof and breathable covers to protect your outdoor cushions when not in use.
Covers help shield the cushions from rain, moisture, and direct sunlight.

Outdoor Storage:

Store the cushions in a dry and well-ventilated area during periods of extended non-use, such as winter.
Ensure that the storage location is free from moisture and the cushions are completely dry before storing.


Mildew on outdoor cushions can be unsightly and unpleasant, but with the right techniques and preventive measures, it can be effectively managed. By following the methods outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can safely remove mildew from your outdoor cushions and restore their cleanliness and freshness. Whether using homemade solutions, commercial mildew removers, or power washing, remember to prioritize safety and proper ventilation. Additionally, implementing preventive measures such as regular cleaning, proper storage, and the use of protective covers can help minimize the chances of mildew growth. With proper care and maintenance, your outdoor cushions will remain free from mildew, ensuring their longevity and keeping your outdoor space inviting and comfortable.


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