Bed Frames with Matress: 10 Not Selected

Bed Frames with Matress: 10 Not Selected

The bed not only determines the quality of our daily sleep, but also affects the living comfort of the bedroom.

Therefore, we should not be sloppy when choosing a bed frame with matress. In addition to looking at the face value, today I share these 10 aspects should also pay attention to, not pretentious nonsense, are many people spend money to buy lessons.

Do not choose a short backrest bed head

Short back of the head of the bed, are generally in order to concave modeling, such as puff beds, tofu block beds, etc., face value is good, but the comfort is really not guaranteed, people lie on the head will be suspended, sit on the sense of experience, not to mention.

bed  frame with matress

But the head of the bed is too high also can’t, forcing the top of the head, leaning or sleeping will have a sense of space oppression. Therefore, when choosing a bed, it is recommended that the height of the head cushion (from the top of the mattress to the top of the cushion) in 45cm or so for the best, people lying just right, and will not feel oppressed.

bed  frame with matress

Do not choose artificial leather bed

Artificial leather, the biggest problem is, easy to aging, cracking, and looks rigid, feel astringent, texture is very general, easy to show cheap, including cheap technology cloth, there are similar problems, cannot choose not to choose.

bed  frame with matress

Budget, like leather, directly on the first layer of cowhide, durable, breathable, and feel soft and delicate, also good care, in addition to expensive no other problem.

bed  frame with matress

Budget in general, or like the soft feeling of fabric, then choose removable fabric headboard, more cost-effective, but the best surface is smooth, strong sense of grain is too easy to accumulate dust.

As for, solid wood hardboard bed frame with matress, although environmentally friendly and good care, but the comfort is still lacking, depending on their own preferences, you can choose as appropriate.

Do not choose doll cotton filled with soft leaning

Doll cotton, is the earliest used in toy doll filler, cheap, but the density is too low, easy to deform and collapse, life expectancy of 3-5 years, cannot choose not to choose.

More recommended high-density sponge soft leaning, good resilience, not easy to collapse, with ten years are no problem. The two are also very good to distinguish, the naked eye will know.

If the budget to meet, can also continue to go up, choose high-density sponge plus a layer of down material, down soft neutralize the sponge hard, leaning package, comfort will be better.

Do not choose full bed board

Full bed board seems sturdy, but in fact, breathability is very poor, the north may still be used, the south is very easy to return to the moisture and mold, now there is a skeleton bed board, good stability, but also particularly breathable, more recommended to choose the latter.

But note that the skeleton material to choose pure solid wood (pine bottom, beech better), do not choose density board, plywood and so on, the type of plate from the cross-section of the skeleton can be seen.

Then, the gap between the skeleton is also very critical, the best no more than 5cm, because the independent spring diameter of the mattress are ≤ 5cm, the skeleton gap is too wide, the spring is easy to get stuck in the middle, resulting in uneven force and deformation of the mattress.

In addition, the skeleton of the support iron should also pay attention to, in addition to the main force around the piece and the middle of the two longitudinal beams, the left and right skeleton of the middle of the reinforced longitudinal beams, then not, the support is better. Window frame corner code, at least 2cm thick, in order to effectively support, too thin stability is not enough.

Do not choose density board bed frame

Bed around a circle of the main frame, play the main role of supporting the skeleton, mattress.

For the sake of aesthetics, many businesses are soft package will be wrapped up, it is very easy to get out of the catnip, said solid wood board, the results are open density board, not only small factories, many large factories are also engaged in this way.

So, buy a mattress with a bed frame, this point to ask clearly, the best site to open to see, are wrapped up for you cannot open, there must be a problem.

Do not choose sharp corners of the bed

This is very simple, the foot of the bed is too sharp, children play, adults are not careful, it is easy to bump up, there is a certain safety hazard. Choose this kind of rounded corner of the bed, it will be much better.

Do not choose eight feet of the bed

The so-called eight-foot bed, is the corner of the four legs are flared out, easy to trip not to mention the head of the bed side will be the existence of skirting, resulting in the head of the bed cannot be completely against the wall, leaving a gap, is very ribbed, cannot choose to not choose.

And the choice of internal collection of bed feet, there is no such problem. In addition to the four corners of the foot of the bed, the bottom of the vertical beam in the middle of the also with a support foot, it is also a plus, solidity will be better, the current market inside the support foot 4, 6, 8, it is recommended that more than 6 is good.

Do not choose the bed frame from the ground below 12cm

Bed frame completely affixed to the ground is okay, at least do not hide dirt, like that kind of high not high not low, the most difficult, not good cleanup, but also always love to drill dirty.

It is recommended to choose a bed frame with matress from the ground more than 12cm, most of the sweeping robot can perfectly enter, health cleaning is easier.

Do not choose Murphy bed (invisible bed)

Murphy bed, to save space for the purpose of not using it can be collected on the wall, and then put down when using it, it seems to be useful, but in fact, many people who have installed it reflect that it is very chicken ribs. As long as the home is a normal residence, there will be a need to rest during the day, and repeatedly pull apart and put away is very troublesome.

Even if it is installed in the second bedroom, study, to the occasional family member, it is not cost-effective, sacrificing a large side of the organizer space to install a do not know when you can use the bed, it is really better to come to a folding bed more economical.Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is really not recommended to install.

Options for bed frame with matress that don’t follow blindly

Box bed or normal bed

The benefit of the box bed is that the bottom can be stored, friendly to small spaces, but the style is not as much as a normal bed, the value of the general, the specific choice of which, mainly to see whether there is a need for storage.

Embedded bed or flush bed

Embedded bed, the mattress is embedded in the bed frame, not easy to shift, the atmosphere, but relatively more space, and the corners are easy to bump people. Flush-side, the mattress is relatively easy to move, but more space-saving, friendly to small households.

If it is a large bedroom, it is based on preference to choose, small bedroom, it is recommended that the flush side is more appropriate.

The height of the bed

Depending on the mat, the general height of the mat is 25-30cm, and the total height of the bed to 50-60cm is appropriate, so go to the projected height of the bed frame can be.

Thickness of bed support

Bed frame with matress in the bed leaning the thicker, the better the sense of comfort, sense of wrapping, and rich modeling, more atmospheric.

But the premise of the choice is still the bedroom area, measure the size in advance to avoid the bed is too thick to cause the bed is not good placement.

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