6 Principles of Modern Living Room Design

6 Principles of Modern Living Room Design

For residential decoration design, the modern living room has always been a major focus. As a modern living room, the modern living room is not only a public activity space for the owner’s family, but also an important place for the family to socialize, with the functions of meeting, entertainment and reunion. Modern living room style, because of the unity of practicality and aesthetics integration, is very popular. So, how to decorate the modern living room style? And what are the key points and principles? Today, I will share with you, take a look!

Modern Living Room Decoration Style

The modern living room, where the owner meets with guests, is also the face of the house. Living room furnishings, colors can reflect the owner’s character, characteristics, vision, personality and so on. The living room should use light colors, so that guests have a refreshing feeling.

Focusing on the owner’s lifestyle, the designer has made great adjustments to the structure and layout of the whole house, opening up the interior space as much as possible, simplifying and removing redundancy, presenting a cheerful and open posture.

Modern Living Room

The modern living room with gray as the main tone, the fit of the original wood color background and derived from the visual soothing, so that the space does not look too monotonous and dull. Geometric chandelier and graffiti background painting in the implied sense of magnificence at the same time very artistic, between the living room and the foyer to do division with the white gold-edged screen, separated but not constant, with the beauty of the vagueness.

modern living room

Top 6 Modern Living Room Decorating Styles

Space Design

Modern style living room design, pay attention to the inside and outside of the permeable, open. As a result, the designer should plan for the load-bearing wall when carrying out the floor plan. Strive to be free and unrestricted. The design of the wall, floor and ceiling of the living room space can pursue simplicity and be supplemented with exquisite craftsmanship for embellishment.

modern living room

Try not to use redundant and complicated decorations to avoid the sense of intricate clutter of sensory vision. Those flashy decorative parts not only have little practical value, but also increase the cost of decoration in vain. More than form, modern style emphasizes service function and use value.

modern living room

Decorative materials

For the choice of materials, modern style is no longer limited to traditional wood, stone, brick and other natural materials, the choice is expanded to glass, metal, paint, plastic and synthetic materials.

The skillful use of the structural relationship between materials can create a technological interior space that is different from the traditional style. The intersection of different materials often requires special treatment and more refined construction techniques to achieve the desired overall effect.

Color design

Modern style decoration pursues more simplicity, mostly using geometric lines for decoration. Influenced by the modern painting school of thought, the choice of color is also more bright, lively and diverse.

Modern style likes to portray an artistic beauty of universal significance by emphasizing the contrast and coordination between colors. Thus, in the modern style of living room decoration design, we can often see hanging paintings, fabrics and other fashionable elements, which play a non-negligible role in beautifying the color effect of the entire space.

Personalized design

Whether it is the modern living room or other apartments, the modern decoration style pays great attention to personalization and focuses on the elements that distinguish it from other residences. Although modern style advocates personalization, but this personalization also has certain conditions and limits, and needs to be coordinated with the overall decoration style.

The multifunctional design of small houses is one of the important features of modern style, and designers can try to fit the personal preferences of owners on the basis of practicality.

Furniture style

The choice of furniture is crucial to the first impression of the whole modern living room. Modern style tends to emphasize functional design, simple lines, smooth contours, and colors with sharp contrast.

It can be matched with stainless steel, tempered glass and other materials to create a sense of fashion and technology, fitting in with modern elements.

Smooth moving line

When designing a modern living room, it must be rationalized and smooth around the modern living room moving line. For example, it is best to keep the wine cabinet or cupboard in the living room close to the wall. Sofa must face the door or TV, avoid back door.

The modern living room is a place to receive guests, so the correct planning is to see the modern living room as soon as you enter the front door. If you need to pass through the bedroom or kitchen before you can reach it, it will make the inside and outside of the home unclearly separated, and make the life lack of a sense of privacy.

Diversified design of the modern living room to make the space life warm and comfortable, and have a unique style of living room design is not only expensive furniture can do, can be through the details of the space grasp, lighting effects, color to define.

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