Revive Your Laundry Basket: Tips for Fixing Common Damages!

Revive Your Laundry Basket: Tips for Fixing Common Damages!

Laundry baskets are a staple in every home, used to transport dirty laundry to and from the washing machine. However, over time, these baskets can become damaged, making them less useful and less attractive. Fortunately, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can revive your laundry basket and restore it to its former glory. In this essay, we will discuss tips for fixing common damages to your laundry basket.

  1. Repairing Cracks and Holes

Cracks and holes are common damages to laundry baskets, and they can make the basket less effective at holding laundry. To repair cracks and holes, start by cleaning the damaged area with soap and water. Allow the basket to dry completely, and then apply a plastic adhesive to the damaged area. Use a plastic repair patch to cover the adhesive, and smooth out any bumps or wrinkles. Allow the adhesive to dry completely before using the basket again.

  1. Replacing Missing Handles

Another common damage to laundry baskets is missing handles. Missing handles can make it difficult to carry the basket, and they can also make the basket less attractive. To replace missing handles, start by measuring the distance between the two existing handles. Purchase a replacement handle that matches the size and shape of the existing handles. Use a drill to create holes in the basket where the new handle will attach. Attach the new handle using screws or bolts, and tighten them securely.

  1. Color Restoration

Over time, laundry baskets can fade or become discolored, making them less attractive. To restore the color of your laundry basket, start by cleaning it thoroughly with soap and water. Allow the basket to dry completely, and then apply a plastic paint or dye that matches the original color of the basket. Apply the paint or dye in thin, even coats, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next coat. Once the basket is completely dry, it should look like new again.

  1. Reinforcing Weak Spots

Sometimes, laundry baskets can become weakened in certain spots, making them less effective at holding laundry. To reinforce weak spots, start by identifying the areas that need reinforcement. Cut a piece of plastic mesh or chicken wire to fit over the weakened area. Apply plastic adhesive to the mesh or wire, and then press it firmly onto the weakened area. Allow the adhesive to dry completely before using the basket again.

  1. Preventing Future Damages

While it’s essential to fix any damages to your laundry basket, it’s also important to prevent future damages. To prevent future damages, start by avoiding overloading the basket with heavy or sharp objects. Be gentle when carrying the basket, and avoid dropping it or throwing it around. Store the basket in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.


Laundry baskets are a must-have in every home, and with a little bit of care, they can last for years. By repairing common damages to your laundry basket, you can restore it to its former glory and make it more effective at holding and transporting laundry. Remember to clean your basket regularly, avoid overloading it, and store it in a dry, cool place to prevent future damages. By taking these simple steps, your laundry basket will continue to serve you well for many years to come.

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